Saturday, March 23, 2013

Guess who gotta go to the Zee Café Gossip Girl Night Out!

That’s me. Hell yes! Me and my friend got it, and we had a Gossip Girl night out at Hard Rock Café. And as much as I hate to flaunt it, I love to tell you all that I won Gossip Girl goodies too. Yayay! Ooops…that was a little Blair-ish. Wasn’t it? Anyhow, I gotta go to the party and that was quite a delight.

But I'll start with how we managed to get an invite. Well, I watch this show ‘Gossip Girl’ every night at 10pm on Zee Café. Wait, I don’t need to say it’s my favourite. Or do I!? :D Coming to the invitation story, I saw the advertisement where they were like ‘Tweet, tag your bestie and use #ZeeCafeGirlsNightOut, and win an invite’. I called my friend the very moment and we started tweeting as it was our chance to have a Gossip Girl fun. And, guess what…we won it. But that’s not the end to the story. Well, there was a slight confusion as we tweeted to Zee Café and HRC both. And we thought we lost it. But we didn't. Who wouldn't want to invite the ardent Gossip Girl fans like us!? :/ Te-hee.

Now coming to the main event, I was damn excited but all the excitement turned into disappointment when I realized we were quite late to the party. The party started at 6:30pm and we reached at around 7:45pm. And as soon as we reached, we asked the guy outside if it’s over but to our delight, he answered it’s just started. Whoa! And there started our #ZeeCafeGirlsNightOut. ;)

It was in true sense a Gossip Girl party. Loads of girls modelled themselves on S & B. Some just chose awe-inspiring pins. Some went for the regal look. Some went as fashionable as possible. Some gathered attention and some seemed like minions. The games that were organized were indeed awesome. There was this game where we had to paste a kiss sticker on Chuck’s cheek (poster :()…let’s just say we had to kiss Chuck. J Surprisingly, nobody spotted Dan and Nate. Guess Mother Chucker took away all the attention. And he deserved that. I remember when the show was in its first season Chuck seemed to me like an extra. And now here we are with Chuck …Chuck all around. Lol The other game was Chinese whisper, the Gossip Girl style. We had to whisper Gossip Girl quotes to our team and whosoever did maximum quotes would win. Well, our emcee was indeed a sweetheart to announce both the teams as winners.

But what made it an exclusive Gossip Girl party was the ‘Gossip Girl’ siren. Oh yeah! We were supposed to tweet all the time and whoever tweeted the maximum was the clear winner. And, believe me, that was the most ‘fun’ part. Every now and then we were checking out our phones, tweeting another tweet and doing it all in ‘Gossip Girl’ style. Yes, we were.  Remember when Gossip Girl siren goes off amidst a party. That was that. And I had my moment of Queen B as I won it. Yuhoooo! Besides me, there were two other winners (one of them was my friend). But I was the one who tweeted maximum. Why!? ‘Coz I’m the real Gossip Girl. D'uh!

It was indeed one hell of a party and I loved it to the fullest.


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